From Striving to Thriving: Understanding the Resilience Frameworks and Practices of Educational Leaders during the COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly transformed education systems worldwide, presenting unprecedented challenges for educational leaders. This paper is a Heideggerian phenomenology which implements Van Manen's phenomenological methodology. The research delves into the resilience frameworks employed by educational leaders amidst the unparalleled challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis. Through the lens of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), the study elucidates the nuanced experiences of educational leaders as they navigated the tumultuous terrain of the pandemic. By employing qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, this study uncovers the experiential characterization of resiliency in the context of education based on the experiential narratives of the informants. The research reveals elements that characterize resiliency in leadership in higher education institutions through the education leaders' persistence in navigating uncertainty, resourcefulness and innovation, agility and creativity, efficient communication, adaptability, and supportive behavior. It was concluded that these elements have a leadership character as a manifestation of resiliency that promotes persistence in maintaining organizational activities and innovations in times of unprecedented challenges. The findings of this research may shed light on the pathways from mere surviving to thriving amidst adversity and challenges in the education niche. Through the exploration of lived experiences and sense-making processes, this study not only contributes to the theoretical understanding of resilience within the educational leadership context but also offers practical insights and recommendations for fostering resilience in educational settings amidst crisis.
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