Vol. 17 (2023): CNU-JHE

Implementation of Blended Learning Modality:An Evaluation Based on ABCD Model

Edgermi Gingoyon
Sacred Heart School - Ateneo de Cebu

Published 23-06-2023


  • evaluation,
  • implementation,
  • learning modality


In the integration of both online and face-to-face interactions, blended learning has become a significant educational approach. To examine its implementation, this study uses a descriptive-evaluation mixed-methods research design (quantitative and qualitative) to evaluate the implementation of the Blended Learning Modality based on ABCD Model. Using primary and secondary sources of data, adopted tools to measure learners’ satisfaction and engagement levels, and interview questions to validate participants’ responses, this study thoroughly evaluated the participants, programs, effects, and impact. Results show that the implementation of the program was effective in its effect on the satisfaction and engagement levels and academic performance of students and its impact on parents. These findings indicate that effective implementation of blended learning is a factor in students' success. The researcher postulate recommendations to address a few gaps.


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